Completed my first Spartan Race: Tampa Stadion | May 18, 2024

I trained 2 months to run a Spartan Obstacle race leading up to my 36th birthday in 2024!

The 588

The 588. 

Five hundred and eighty eight steps from my house, to a street light in a cool back alley behind a coffee shop.  

The route I take most mornings, with 588 chances to see something I've never seen before.

To explore.  

To go to new worlds. 

These 588 steps are a warm up, for a chance to push myself. 

At step 589, I must try to take a photo of this same street, that I see everyday, in a different way than I ever have.

To see what is new in the familiar. 

To create. 

To learn. 

To explore. 

(… a practice challenge from August 2017)


Fall 2017Low-12.jpg

Getting Grounded

and other images of nature

Song of the moment...

A Visit to Chicago



in black and white... mostly



The Bean


Public Art

Chicago has a lot more street art then Pittsburgh. I didn't take many pictures but it made me wish Pittsburgh had more.